Epiphyllum anguligar- An epiphytic cactus that has fantastic lobed leaves that look like some sort of prehistoric, succulent fern! Often confused with Cryptocereus anthonyanus. Very easy to grow in hanging baskets where it makes a beautiful, cascading specimen. Grown mainly for it's amazing foliage, it does produce gorgeous yellow and white flowers.
In nature, this plant is an Epiphyte, growing in trees. Prefers bright shade to filtered light with a very porous soil. We grow ours in equal parts cacti mix, perlite, orchid bark and composted oak leaves. Prefers temps. to stay 40 degrees F. or above but will take cooler and a very light frost with some cover if it is grown outside. A fantastic houseplant!
USDA Zones 10b-13b
Pot size: 4 inch
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