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This fantastic member of the Crasulaceae family is native to the Canary Islands. Forms a dense mound of small green-leaved rosettes.  Grows only approx. 4-5 inches high, spreading to approx. 8-10 inches.  In summer, very cool and unusual star-shaped flowers are held above the plant, on thin stems.   After flowering, keep on the dryer side to allow a rest period for the hot season.  when cooler weather returns in fall, the plant will start actively growing again and will appreciate a bit more water.  perfect for fairy gardens or container plantings, staged with rocks. 


Bright shade

Well-drained soil and moderate water during the growing season.

Hardy to approx 35 degrees F.  with cover

USDA ZONES 10b-13b

Pot size: 2.5 inch


Monanthes polyphylla

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