Puya raimondii- This Amazing terrestrial Bromeliad from the Andes mountains of Bolivia and Peru is the largest bromeliad in the world. This massive, solitary Puya grows an 8-9 foot wide crown of thin leaves with sharp marginal teeth atop a short trunk. Enormous spikes of creamy white flowers can reach nearly 20 feet long! This endangered species is very rare in cultivation. It takes many years for this Puya to flower but the plant itself has great ornamental form and is a fantastic addition to the garden and a great find for the collector.
Full sun with well drained soil and occasional to little water when established. Can take more water as long as the soil is very well-drained.Hardy to approx. 20-25 degrees F. This Puya grows at quite high elevations in the Andes and does best in cooler temps. so it is unknown how it would do in hot, humid climates.
Pot size: One gallon
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